Sunday, June 24, 2012

Edinburgh 2012

I've been living in Edinburgh since 2009 and the town has definitely charmed me, so we decided with gallery Amber Arts to exhibit a body of work on the "windy city"earlier this year in March 2012.  
Edinburgh is a visual treat, as the town merges history & contemporaneity,  nature & architecture, sea & land. While preparing the work I realised Edinburgh had many views from which one can admire & contemplate her. Peaks to climb on,  like Arthurs Seat or Calton Hill, steps in secret pathways like Jacob's ladder, or the cemeteries and parks that give us exceptional panoramas on the "windy city".  Paintings and drawings of my first intake will be shown at Gallery Tremel in July 2012.

Je vis a Edinburgh depuis 2009 et etais tres emballee apres la proposition d'exposition a la galerie Amber Arts de preparer un travail sur la ville en dessin et peinture. C'est une capitale riche architecturalement, depuis la modernite du parlement a l'historicite du chateau...elle a le don de fasciner....Elle est situee entre terre et mer, elle est un port au nord et une ville aux abords des champs au sud. Elle offre d'etonnant panorama depuis Arthurs Seat ou Calton Hill, et seduit par  ses petits chemins et escaliers cachees au coeur du centre-ville. L'aventure a commence doucement, par des dessins puis des peintures qui seront visibles a la Galerie Tremel en Juillet 2012.

Paroles de Salagou 2009-2010

Paroles de Salagou is an artistic project that started in september 2009 at the lake Salagou in the area of Montpellier France, and finished in april 2010 with an exhibition in Lodève.    
The work was financed by the council of the area  and created by Charlotte & Périne (Cie Les Arts Oseurs), Aude (La Manufacture des Paysages) and myself. Four women coming from  3 different artistic backgrounds, theatre, visual art and environmental landscaping. 
The project had been initiated  to celebrate the 40th anniversary since the Lake Salagou had been created and give an insight to what the people had experienced during those years when their homes and land had been transformed forever. 
The artistic project Paroles de Salagou is a 60minute audio recording, based on the hundreds of hours testimonies and recordings of the inhabitant's of the 6 villages surrounding the lake. To illustrate the project drawings & diaries I made during the 2 weeks of recordings in the surrounding villages, and finally a visual environmental lanscape study from 1968 to 2030 offering an insight on the possible transformations of the lake. An exhibition of the work took place in Lodeve at the town hall in 2010. Coloring books made from the diaries are available for sale. 

Paroles de Salagou est un projet artistique finançé par le département de l'Hérault que j'ai réalisé en collaboration avec l'association les Arts Oseurs et la Manufacture des Paysages

Trois regards et trois lectures différentes, theatre, urbanisme paysager et art visuel, pour effectuer un travail de mémoire sur les habitants et les paysages autour de la vallée du Salagou depuis la création du lac en 1968. La compagnie des Arts Oseurs a produit une bande sonore sur CD d'environ 90minutes à partir des entretiens  avec  les habitants  du salagou enregistrés dans la caravane au mois de Septembre 2009;  J'ai réalisé deux carnets de voyage format A3 et 22 dessins sur papier libre  suite aux quinze jours passés avec la Compagnie les Arts Oseurs; et finalement le travail de restitution et de débat proposé par la Manufacture des Paysages sur le futur des paysages et de la vie sociale au Salagou. Un livre de coloriage des carnets est disponible a la vente. 

Tangier 2007 - 2008

For two weeks In November 2007 I went to Tangier, invited by french writer Marine Vassort and Marseille publisher P'tits Papiers, I was expected to produce illustrations for a book about young women escaping Morocco from Tangier to Europe. The project was social and political to start with but very quickly our chances to meet this women was scarce, and I decided to depict my vision of Tangier from the house we were in. The house was in the middle of the Kasbah just above the main fountain in the centre of a lively street. From the house itself my vision was interrupted by the metal grids, but from the terrace at the top of the house I could see the entire city and the colourful life existing on the terraced roofs of Tangier. During my stay I created 8 diary pages made with watercolour and pencil (A3), 10 sketches for future paintings (A4), three watercolors (20cmx20cm), an oil pastel night scene and took many photos. 
When I got back to France I decided that I would paint from the pencil drawings and prepare an exhibition on Tangier for Doun, a gallery in the south of France that had already exhibited my drawings and diaries about Reykjavik (Iceland) in 1996. Unfortunately the paper book of my illustrations and text by Marine Vassort never came out after Ptits Papiers had to close their publishing company. But in 2010 Marine Vassort successfully created an online book Bruleuse of both our works.

Grace a l'invitation en Novembre 2007 de Marine Vassort et des Editions P'tits Papiers, j'ai passé dix jours dans la ville magnifique de Tanger au coeur de la Kasbah pour réaliser des illustrations sur les jeunes femmes tentant de passer en Europe depuis la ville portuaire. De cette residence est ne un journal de bord, des aquarelles, des dessins au trait ainsi que des photos qui sont aujourd'hui visible dans le livre web : Bruleuses. Le livre et les illustrations sont devenues le recueil d'une vision de deux femmes au coeur de la Kasbah noyees par les sons, les images et les mots. En 2008 a eu lieu une exposition de l'ensemble du travail en peintures dessins et carnets a la galerie Doun qui avait expose mes carnets sur Rekjavik en 1996.